No "Oops!" with Hoops ! The PanzerGlass Hoops Camera Lens Protector keeps your camera lenses safe from accidental drops on stone-hard floors, bumps against sharp corners, and the screeching kiss of keys in your pocket. These Hoops feature a clear frame that allow your phone's color to shine through, enhancing its natural look. The slim profile optic rings are equipped with scratch-and shock-resistant glass and a metal frame that protect your lenses as well as looking great. And if you're worried about image distortion, you can rest easy: Hoops don't affect the clarity of your lenses or the quality of your photos – they just give you a bit more peace of mind. The optic rings are designed for easy application and perfect fit. They are equipped with a silicone adhesive along the edges and come with an easy-to-use applicator that makes installation! And remember: Once Hoops are installed, you'll never again fear the sight of your phone tumbling to the ground camera first. This may not happen, but if it does, you'll regret not having clicked "add to cart". Hoops protect and prolong the lifetime of your phone so that one day you can pass it on to someone else who will love it just as much as you do. It's the new circle of phone life. By extending the lifespan of our devices, we postpone the need to produce new devices. This is one way of working toward a more sustainable future. Another is to use less packaging and make it more sustainable: In 2024, we reduced the amount of paper in our PanzerGlass core product packaging design by an average of 66%* and deliver all our products in recyclable FSC-certified boxes. *Reduction from 2022-2024 measured by comparing selected products from the PanzerGlass core range.
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